Sunday, September 13, 2009

The tan M&M's taste just fine, asshole...

Yeah, so I read a review of this book by Chris Wright called Inkweed by Sean Collins on his ADD blog, and if I was at all responsible or thought anyone was reading this, I would give the good man his due and link to his post, but Jesus, I barely can put up posts, let alone highwire HTML shit like that. Seriously, this post is about a book I haven't even read yet. How motivated do I look to YOU?

So, anyway, Inkweed. The review made it sound like something I would like. Something I would buy, if they took cat hair instead of dollars at the bank, you dig? I looked at no preview pages, just a couple synopsis lines on a few of the stories, maybe like Kevin Huizenga, maybe not. You comics. Maybe. But I ain't read it, like I said, and while I am not complaining, the art comics seem a little harder to pick out recently. Not always, but still...sometimes. The art guys seem to cut a little further from the bone than they used to, if you follow. First blood to James Kolchaka, and all that implies.

See, I saw a Modest Mouse concert in maybe 2000- a couple years before they broke “big”, but a couple years after they were really an underground band anymore either. The singer (who looks like an old buddy of mine named Big Jim but, you know, is a singer and shit) kept taking breaks to read out loud from the Led Zepplin bio Hammer of the Gods. Oh yeah, he straight did that shit.

I had eaten mushrooms (going to a concert to actually listen to music having been beyond my faculties for a good six years at this point) and just was spaced to the gills on irony.
‘I can’t even tell if they’re joking anymore’, I told the good friend I was there with, now dead (where’s the irony there, you can be forgiven for wondering).
‘Well,' he told me, 'I’m pretty sure this guy here is joking’.

Well, I am pretty sure this book is art comics too, but shit, who can really tell anymore, you know? Fuck, probably never see this at the local BnN anyhow…

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